Micheal OlaitanMicheal OlaitanMicheal Olaitan
Enlighten. Inspire. Empower
United Kingdom, EC1V 2NX

3 Essential Virtues Every Business Leader Needs for Long-Term Success

In the business world, the metric for measuring the success of a business is the revenue generated and how large the business grows. Over the years, as a business leader and manager, I’ve seen people forget some important virtues the moment they are placed into a leadership or managerial role in a business. I often frown at that because the culture of a company greatly determines how the employees commit to the bottom line and how the business thrives. Cultures are built on virtues, and as business leaders, there are certain virtues that make great leaders stand out. Here, let’s take a look at some of those virtues and how they impact the long-term success of the business.

Integrity is a word used in nearly every company document. Every business leader would say, “I am a person of integrity,” but integrity isn’t just a claim; it’s shown in all you do. A friend of mine worked with a company some years back and later resigned because, right from the start, he asked his manager some questions about the company and was assured that his concerns were unfounded. Unfortunately, the reality was that the entire business was built on dishonesty. They were dishonest to their employees and customers, making false promises they knew were lies. At the heart of integrity is honesty. Leaders should be honest in everything they do, from what they can achieve to the limitations of their products. Building loyalty through honesty leads to committed employees and loyal customers who will advocate for your business. Integrity is a crucial virtue for a business leader.

Great leaders understand the importance of humility in business. Humility is not synonymous with timidity; it is about having a modest opinion of oneself, being open to learning from others, and focusing on serving rather than seeking personal recognition. As a business leader, you need this virtue to establish a resilient business that withstands the test of time. Understanding who you are and serving your employees and customers with humility is key to long-term success.

Service is at the core of any business, as it involves providing solutions to people’s problems. Great business leaders not only understand this but also integrate this virtue into everything they do. They find ways to serve people within their business and ensure their customers are well taken care of. Putting others first and focusing on serving leads to business growth and success. Observing how my father relates to those he works with has taught me the importance of serving others in business.

Final Thoughts

the virtues of Integrity, Humility, and Service are indispensable for any business leader striving for success. By upholding these core values, leaders can create a strong foundation for their businesses, inspire their teams, and build a reputation that stands the test of time. Embrace these virtues, and watch your business flourish in the competitive landscape of today’s business world.

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